Essential information from reliable sources

for refugees in The Netherlands

معلومات أساسية من مصادر موثوقة للاجئين في هولندا

تطبيقات المترجم

⭑ يحتوي متصفح Google Chrome على مترجم مدمج، والذي يقوم تلقائيًا بترجمة صفحة الويب إلى لغتك الأم.

⭑ يقوم تطبيق Google Translate بترجمة النص الأجنبي الموجود على الصور وكذلك الكلام الأجنبي إلى

نص بلغتك الأم.


⭑ Google Chrome Browser has a built-in translator, which automatically translates web page into your native language.

⭑ Google Translate App translates foreign text on photos and also foreign speech into text in your native tongue.


⭑ Google Chrome Browser heeft een ingebouwde vertaler, die webpagina's automatisch naar uw moedertaal vertaalt.

⭑ Google Translate-app vertaalt buitenlandse tekst op foto's en ook buitenlandse spraak naar tekst in uw moedertaal.
Five Stages of Adaptation
During the adaptation in a new country refugees can experience controversial feelings and thoughts. After euphoria from moving to a new country feelings of sadness, confusion and insecurity come. Refugees miss their friends and family and start to feel homesick and lonely, begin to question their choice of immigrating.

On the third stage, being under serious tension and while attempting to adapt, learning language, refugees may feel angry and irritated by local customs and people. Some refugees even think about going back or to another country.

On the fourth stage the new country and its inhabitants do not trigger aggression. At last, the process of integration begins. At the fifth stage of adaptation refugees are completely adapted to the new country. They interact with local people easily and everyday routine no longer causes unpleasant feelings. All feelings are normal and acceptable during the process of adaptation.

5 Stages
Theoretical and empirical review
Acculturative Stress
Migration-related trauma
Rights and Obligations
Refugees share the same human rights as legal residents, including: freedom of opinion and expression, freedom of thought, conscience, and religion, freedom from torture or degrading treatment, the right to life, liberty, security and freedom from discrimination.

In the Netherlands refugees also have special rights such as the right to a free lawyer, housing in one of the reception centers and weekly allowances. After receiving Dutch residence permit and social housing refugees have obligation for civic integration.

However, law and law enforcement in practice are different things. All over the word governments violate not only the migration legislation, they have adopted, but also the human rights of refugees.

The way Ukrainian refugees are treated since 2022, has shown that The European Union is capable of accepting a large number of refugees, accommodating and providing work in a short period of time. This successful model shows how humane and convenient the asylum system can be in the future.

EU Directive for refugees

COA regulations and procedures.

Asylum Seeker Regulations (RVA).

Asylum seekers distribution law

Statistics: Refugees in The Netherlands

2023: Dutch ombudsmen

2021: Attitude of the Dutch towards refugees

2022: Attitude of the Dutch towards refugees

The City Rights Radio podcast: how undocumented Amsterdamers live without access to banking or healthcare

Causes of Dutch housing crisis for refugees

2022: The state of the world’s human rights

2023: Far-right parties on the rise across Europe

2021/22: Migrants face violence in EU borders

In the European Union in general and in the Netherlands in particular, a lot has been done compared to 2015. But there is still work to be done.

During the crisis in Ter Apel in 2022 leading, among other things, to the death of a three-month-old child Council of Europe calls on the Netherlands to improve living conditions for asylum seekers. The Dutch government outlined a number of steps. In 2023, Ter Apel ran out of space, but the scale of the problem was much smaller and actions to solve the problem began to be taken faster.

Violations of the accommodation of refugees in COA now must be eliminated by a court decision. The court was won by VWN vs Ministry of Justice and Security and COA. As of 2023 the problem remains.

LGBTQI+ persons are accommodated in the same camps with refugees who come from unsafe countries and have no time and abilities to liberate from homophobic and transphobic stereotypes. This situation became more complicated year by year and had led to constant suicides, e.g., Marlon's and Haithm's stories. Dutch government, that is committed to protecting the lives of asylum seekers, is still refusing to set up safe separate camps for LGBTQI+ refugees.

Right for work appears in 6 months being in The Netherlands. But in practice, it is blocked by an administrative barrier, which is the long waiting list for receiving BSN-number, which is needed in The Netherlands to work.

In June, 2023 Prime Minister Mark Rutte went too far in his demands on restricting immigration, which led to the collapse of the The Dutch government and Rutter had to resign.



Asylum procedure
At the beginning of the asylum procedure asylum seekers register with the Department of Aliens Police, Identification and Human Trafficking (AVIM). The application interview, often called “the first interview” with the IND is followed. During the second interview, refugees have to convince IND that they need international protection. The statutory decision period is 15 months. It counts from the date, you have signed the asylum application. Real processing time depends on the asylum track.

Refugees have the right for a free lawyer after 6 months in The Netherlands. Someone receives a lawyer at the beginning, while in Schiphol. Some lawyers will help you with extra issues, another will do things that they are only paid, which are affairs of asylum procedure connected with IND and courts.

Most likely you signed a consent to a medical examination for MediFirst. MediFirst nurses and doctors check whether the asylum seeker is physically and mentally capable of participating in hearings and whether there are any medical limitations that should be taken into account during hearings and when making decisions. After the MediFirst assessment most asylum seekers receive a letter with a scheduled interview date from IND in period of 6 - 12 weeks. If you have suicidal thoughts, you interview will be postponed. MediFirst service is your right and is not mandatory.

Sometimes the IND can’t make a decision within 15 months. In this case, a refugee with a lawyer gives IND a notice of default. IND has to make their decision within 2 weeks. If the IND fails this deadline too, they must pay a fine for refugee.

Dutch government about the statutory decision period
More about asylum procedure
Aliens Circular 2000
Wet Centraal Orgaan opvang asielzoekers
VWN: Procedures, laws and policies
Applying for asylum in Ter Apel

If you receive a negative decision from IND, you with your lower can appeal to the court.

ASKV Refugee Support is an Amsterdam-based organisation that provides legal assistance and social support to rejected refugees in the Netherlands.
LGBT Asylum Support helps for LGBTQI+ asylum seekers, who undeservedly received a negative decision from IND.
Vluchtelingen in de Knel assists non-European asylum-seekers whose asylum application has been rejected. They aim to protect the basic rights of asylum-seekers, including by providing food, clothing, necessary health care, and access to the Dutch legal system, family life, freedom of movement and personal development.
International Network of Local Initiatives with Asylum-seekers provides free legal advice, shelter and other assistance to asylum-seekers. INLIA Foundation is located in Groningen.

If you withdraw your asylum application, you will no longer be allowed to stay in the Netherlands, unless you are allowed to be here for another reason. You will also no longer be entitled to refuge. If you withdraw your asylum application, you may be subject to an entry ban. This means that you may not travel to or be in the Netherlands and most other countries in Europe. You may reapply for asylum after withdrawing your application, even if you are subject to an entry ban.

Cessation and review of protection status
The Netherlands Red Cross for people who are undocumented.
Salvation Army
Bank of clothes
W-document is a Foreign Nationals Identity Document Type W for refugees, which valid only in The Netherlands. It is not an international passport. You can’t travell abroad with it. With this document, no claim can be made on other official documents, such as the driver's license.

W-document should be automatically ready in 2-3 weeks, you had applied for asylum. But sometimes new photo, signature and/or fingerprints need to be done before. IND will send you a letter with request and instructions.

There are several ways you receive W-document.
⭑ IND sends a letter with your W-document by post to your camp.
⭑ You receive a W-document from a COA employee.
⭑ IND notify you by post, at wich IND desk you should collect your W-document.

Sometimes IND doesn't send letters and COA can’t help you. That’s why it’s better to call the IND by yourself and clarify, if your W-document is ready and in what location you can pick it up. It is better to call in the morning. You can wait over 30 minutes for a reply.

When W-document is ready, you can make an appointment by yourself online to receive your W document. If you are not ready to wait for 2-3 months, then monitor updates on the appointment page near 5 p.m. several days. Sometimes free windows will appear. Try to register as soon as possible.



If your annual income is less than 6000 euro (data actual for 2022 year) or you brought with you less amount of money in The Netherlands, you are entitled to the full amount of asylum seeker’s weekly allowance. It consists of food allowance and living allowance. If COA provides you with food, you will receive only a living allowance. A food allowance is recalculated for inflation once a year.

Asylum seekers who have an own income or funds can still make use of COA reception. In that case, they do have to pay an own contribution to the reception costs. More information about contribution can be found in the article about work.


The asylum seeker receives a one-time allowance for kitchen utensils for self-cooking (then this money deducted from your allowance); travel expenses for the asylum procedure, visits to medical institutions, education; reimbursement for volunteer work, if you work for COA; expenses for the education of school-age children. In order to receive money for transportation, you should go to the COA info desk in advance with a paper letter or email, confirming your appointment.

COA: Weekly amount of allowance
Dutch government about allowance
Health Insurance
Asylum seekers provided by the government with free access to medical care. Your insurance company is RMA Healthcare. You are fully eligible for the provisions after 2 months. Until that time, you are only entitled to medically necessary care and care that can’t be delayed. The rule doesn’t apply to children.

Children in a reception center get the same medical care as Dutch children. A family with children with disability can receive larger or adjusted accom-modation. COA can also place a special bed or sling hoist, or deploy home care to nurse the child. In all cases, COA discusses with the GZA what is medically necessary.

More about Health insurance.
Adult asylum seekers (18+) are only entitled to dental care if they have serious pain and/or chewing complaints (emergency care), to a maximum of 250 euros per year. For children, there is more extensive dental care, including a preventive annual check.

More detailed information about the payment of dental care is available in the Medical Care for Asylum Seekers Regulations (RMA).

Refugees, like the Dutch, receive free medicines in pharmacies with a prescription from a doctor. If you don't want to stand in line at GZA to get paracetamol, allergy medicine and other simple medications, you can buy them in supermarkets like Albert Heijn and Kruidvat.

In autumn you will get an invitation letter from your general practitioner (GZA) for flu vaccination, if you have certain health problems or you are 60 years of age or older.

By having sex you can get an sexually transmitted disease (STD). Especially if you don’t use a condom. Sometimes STDs will cause symptoms, but not always. With an STD test you will know for sure if you have an STD or not. Most STDs are treatable with medication. Some STDs never heal.

Zanzu: Multilingual picture guide for sexual health

If you have any doubts about whether this is included in your insurance or GZA nurse or doctor refuses to provide you with any services, you can always call the insurance company or check it on the RMA Healthcare site. In some cases GZA hotline can be useful too.
HIV is a virus that can be get through unprotected sex or blood. The best protection are condoms, PrEP or PEP.

Nowadays, when modern treatment for HIV is available, people live long and productive lives with HIV as a chronic disorder, which is less dangerous than diabetes. Persons, who have HIV and regularry take medicine and whose viral load is undetectable, can’t transmit HIV even having sex without a condom. They can born children without HIV virus.

What makes people living with HIV suffer now, is stigma. HIV stigma is negative attitudes and beliefs about people with HIV, which based on stereotypes. Stereotypes are untrue, illusory and irrational statements. HIV stigma comes from lack of education and wrong information, which does not match scientific data.

HIV is found mostly in blood and sperm. You can get HIV through sex:
⭑ Anal or vaginal sex without condom
⭑ Cum in mouth. Chances are very small in this case
You can also get HIV from a dirty needle. For example, if you:
⭑ Inject drugs with a needle used by someone else before
⭑ Get a tattoo in a foreign country. Sometimes this is not safe
⭑ Get a blood transfusion in a hospital in a foreign country. Not every country checks blood properly for HIV

You don’t get HIV by getting close to people. Virus can't live in atmosphere. So you will not get HIV, for example, from:
⭑ A toilet seat
⭑ Shaking or holding hands
⭑ Hugging and cuddling
⭑ French kissing (tongue kissing)
⭑ Dishes or towels
If someone with HIV takes medication, they can't pass on HIV anymore, even if having unprotected sex.
N = N
More information

The Moneycard is issued and managed by Rabobank. Weekly allowance is processed once a week on Monday or Tuesdays. COA can’t see how much money you have on your moneycard. COA can only see how much money they have put on your account.

If you lose your moneycard or it is stolen report immediately to the Moneycard Servicedesk +31 (0)88 7226 555.

If you forget your PIN code, you should contact Moneycard Servicedesk too.

receive any notification about transactions, including SMS;
do purchase online;
transfer money online;
change your PIN;
top up a bank card by yourself or from another person, except COA.

withdraw cash and check the balance at ATMs;
check income from COA and you purchase online. Your browser should allow the moneycard site to open the popup windows. It definitely opens in Chrome browser on a computer and there can be problems reaching the site on the phone.
Instruction is HERE.
SIM card
Without ID and bank account only Lebara and Lyca are available. Lebara has a mobile application, where you can check your GB-limits. Lyca has problems with a top-up account sometimes. You can take a card, top up and ask to set it up in mobile phone shops and in some grocery stores.

You can save the number, while switching to another cell-provider, but you will be required to have an ID, bank account and there most likely will be offered a one-year subscription for the new provider.

If you forget to enter a code to concern your bundle after topping up Lyca and you have burned all money in a minute, don't worry. Text to the support center and ask them to give you money back.
Cheap supermarkets in the Netherlands are Aldi and Lidl. You should visit Die Grenze to find medicine, food, toiletries, and other things for even 1 euro. Some food can be cheaper in private local small stores rather than is supermarkets.

App “Too Good to Go” can save refugees in AZC a lot of money. You can buy for about 5 euros a so-called Magic box containing products or ready-made meals that are about to expire. You will need a bank account as payments are made online.

Action and Big Bazaar are two Dutch discount store-chains, which sell a lot of cheep stuff and some food. Vitamins and supplements with discounts you can find at Holland & Barrett. Albert Heijn, Jumbo, Kruidvat, and are one of the popular, but not so cheap.

Thrift shops are good for buying used kitchen utensils, clothes, interior items, or bags and suitcases. Do not forget that you may have a transfer to another camp and you will need to take all your stuff with you on the train.

Outlets are good to buy, for example, high-quality shoes or sneakers. Primark is for cheap clothes.

MediaMarkt is for electronics, but only when a sale is on.

Application Google Maps is handy for shop search nearby.
Activities in a reception center are sports, music, events and social activities. It can be football or volleyball inside or outside. Some games at the recreation room. Meetings for LGBTQI+ persons or women. There can be a gym on the territory of AZC or COA provides you by this facility outside the camp. Another COA gives you reimbursement of part of the cost of gym subscription. Ask your COA about the list of leisure, which available. Posters with announcements are hung on information boards. This information can be on the site too.
The Museum Card is a personal pass to enter more than 400 Museums in the Netherlands! It is valid for one year and it costs €59.90 (€32.45 up to 18 years of age) + a one-time starting fee of €4.95. The Museumkaart can be purchased online. Other opportunities for museum discounts you can find here. VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, VriendenLoterij and Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds started a project Welcome to the Museum, which provides refugees with free tickets. The tickets are valid until 31.12.2024. Information about participating museums and application procedure is here.

COA has 120 € per year for each refugee for leisure or sports. Refugees can ask for compensation of 10 euros per month for expenses for museums, theaters, gyms, swimming pools, etc. It can be possible to reimburse 65 Euros for the museum discount card in consultation with COA.
A bicycle in the Netherlands is an equal participant in the road traffic, along with cars and motorcycles. Be careful. Treating fracture, while living in AZC is challenging, because it needs much assistance and most camps are not suitable for disabled persons. In order to ensure the safety of yourself and other road users, your full attention should be on the road while traveling. Learn the rules of the road, road signs, indicate with your hand before turning the direction in which you are turning, have the necessary lights and reflectors, handle for phone, if you use it for navigation, working brakes, bell and do not use headphones while driving in a busy place and have reliable locks. Bike theft happens sometimes.

Traffic and transport
7 things that will get you fined while cycling

  • Market place on Facebook. You can bargain there.
  • Second hands.
  • At some AZC at bike repair center.
  • On Marktplaats site you can find bicycles even for free.

At some AZC you can rent bike. Ask COA, read posters in AZC.

Did you break bones, got in an accident by riding a bike? Call the GZA hotline for emergencies, ambulance if needed and ask for an X-ray to exclude fracture. Police officers are on site to help you. They can also call an ambulance.
If you travel with your friend, who has an NS FLEX subscription, you can buy a ticket with a 40% discount. It can be done at the NS machine at the station.
Off-Peak Group Ticket. Travel economically with a group of 2 or more people. Valid during off-peak hours.
Taking your bicycle on the train is required a ticket. Only a folding bike you can take free of charge. Rules for travelling by train & bike.
You can buy tickets online or using the NS machine and money card or by cash at the station.
Two-way tickets (Day Return) are cheaper.
⭑ Don't use the last train. It can be cancelled or delayed. The chances of missing the connecting train or the last bus are rises because of that.
Download the NS app. Use it to build routes and manage digital tickets.

Traveling through The Netherlands by train is quite expensive. But being in AZC all the time can be challenging. That’s why some refugees prefer to save money and buy NS Flex card with one or more subscriptions.

For this purpose you should have a Dutch bank account or a friend with one. Register yourself on the NS site and order an NS Flex card. It will be delivered in 7 days.

Weekend Vrij provides unlimited travel at weekends.
Dal Voordeel provides 40% discount during off-peak hours and at weekends and public holidays.
Dal Vrij provides unlimited travel during off-peak hours and suits those who work not near the AZC or travel every week.

On public holidays, you can travel all day with a discount that comes with your subscription. Weekend Vrij allows you to travel for free on public holidays, even if they fall on a weekday.

Another subscriptions.



You can stay in the same camp until you receive housing. But sometimes refugees are transferred to other AZCs several times. It can be the AZC’s bus for the near location. But usually, you receive a one-day ticket for a train. If you have more than two suitcases and a bike, you have to return a second time for your belongings or buy a new one in a new region, which can be sometimes cheaper. You should buy a bike ticket by yourself.
If you have a medical condition, you can try to cancel or postpone the transfer. You should do it in advance through GZA.

Types of accommodation for dutch refugees
Conditions in (crisis)emergency locations

With any criminal cases, such as violence, theft, threats, discrimination, etc., be sure to contact the police. Two options are available: just report or require further investigation.

If you have a complaint about your contact with a GZA healthcare provider, GZA advises to talk to that specific person, first. If you do not agree, you can make complaint via the form on website. This can be done in English or Dutch. Be prepared for the content of the complaint to become known to the person you are complaining about. It may happen that in the end you will be returned to that person, have to negotiate and clarify your relationships and continue to receive health care from them. National ombudsman doesn't work with health care complaints.
More about procedure

The complaints procedure is not intended for complaints against camp residents. You can contact a COA officer about this.

1) You communicate with a COA employee on the infodesk or by sending an e-mail. Many issues can be resolved in this way and much faster, then at the end of the procedure.

2) If the employee is unable to resolve the issue, the location manager (CEO of the camp) should.

3) If this is not sufficient, you may file a complaint in writing or by e-mail with the office manager and/or the COA Legal Department. This can be done in Dutch or English. You can do this using the complaint form, but it is not required. Write your V-number in the complaint for sure.

It takes a maximum of 6 weeks to receive an answer, but the COA may extend this period by 4 weeks. The COA then informs in writing both the complainant and the person whose conduct relates to the complaint.

4) If you are not satisfied with the handling of the complaint, you may report it within one year after the complaint has been resolved to the national ombudsman.
National communities
Diversity & Inclusivity
Values are ideals and the direction in which society declares that it moves. They unite the most of the people, living on the same territory. Dutch values are Freedom, Equality, Solidarity and Participation.

Everyone in the Netherlands is entitled to equal treatment. This right is considered so important that it is enshrined in Article 1 of the Dutch Constitution.

You deserve equal treatment regardless of your race, color, sex, religion, or immigration status; regardless of your gender presentation or sexual orientation; regardless of your size, age, or a disability and chronic diseases you live with. But why is it still discrimination?

There are 12 grounds and 13 areas of discrimination according to Dutch law.
Taking action against discrimination.

Xenophobia is the fear of strangers, hatred and aggression towards people different from us. Xenophobia relies on stereotypes. Stereotypes are untrue, illusory and irrational statements.

We refugees don't want to be treated as dangerous strangers, don't want to be discriminated. We want to be accepted and appreciated. Therefore, it is important for us to track xenophobia in ourselves in relation to unsimilar groups and individuals and replace it with the idea of Diversity in our minds and acceptance in our hearts.

Diversity is understanding that each individual is unique, and that each of our individual differences share a purpose in society. Studies have actually shown that organizations that promote diversity and inclusion are happier and more productive than ones who don’t. Because what one person lacks in skill, another may prove to be an expert at. And when we put all of our skills, experience and points of views together, we can get more done.

Living and working in an environment full of acceptance, kindness and love more joyful than in one, filled with hatred and violence. Next time, when you meet someone, who does not look like you, who is different, ask yourself, what do you bring to the environment by your thoughts, words and actions? The best way to get rid of xenophobia is to get acquainted. Then the real experience of communication will replace useless and dangerous stereotypes.
Inclusive language
Language can reinforce both negative and positive perceptions about others. Inclusive language acknowledges the unique values, culture and experiences of individuals or groups. Derogatory or discriminatory language undervalues individuals or groups, denigrates, humiliates and perpetuates stereotypes and inequality in society.
Gender-biased expressions like “He fights like a girl”, “In a manly way”, “Oh, that’s women’s work” reinforce gender stereotypes based on cis-gendered male supremacy over centuries. It is better to avoid them. Phrases such as ‘“You’re so gay!” and “That’s so gay!” are the most common forms of homophobic behavior. Unfortunately, people may not necessarily understand that their comments are inappropriate and perpetuates inequality in society. Calling people living with HIV, persons with mental illness or with disability as infected, mentally ill or invalids can be harmful and painful as much as reinforce stigma. People engaged in sex work or persons with a substance use disorder are not be called in offensive way as prostitutes and junkies.

Pronouns are one way people refer to each other and themselves. Most but not all men (including trans men) use the pronoun “he”. Likewise, most but not all women (including trans women) use the pronoun “she”. Some people use a gender-neutral pronoun such as “they”. For example, “Pip drives their car to work. They don’t like walking because it takes them too long”. If you’re unsure what someone’s pronoun is, you can ask them respectfully, and preferably privately. Use a question like: “Can I ask what pronoun you use?”.

Inclusive language can help to create a culture of mutual respect, dignity, inclusion, belonging and community. And each of us can contribute daily to it.

Guidelines for gender-inclusive language.
Disability-inclusive language guidelines.
LGBTIQ+ inclusive language guide.
Inclusive Language Guidelines.
Amnesty International Guide (Australia).
Refugees Living with Mental Disorders
Mental health care in the Netherlands meets modern international quality standards and is based on the diagnostic criteria of ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR. National treatment recommendations are based on WHO recommendations, so the effectiveness of a treatment for a particular mental disorder must be scientifically proven. Unfortunately, the shortage of specialists in providing mental health care, growing demand and the greed of health insurers leads to long queues and, sometimes, inadequate ways to solve the problem of high demand. Access to psychiatry is difficult both for refugees and for residents. Waiting lists of Dutch mental health clinics are from 2 months till 1 year. The level of education and the effectiveness of the assistance provided by POH GGZ specialists raises questions. There are also cases of inappropriate treatment by POH GGZ, based on homophobic and xenophobic prejudices.

  • If you know the name of the medication that helped you in the country of departure and it’s certified in The Netherlands, a general practitioner from GZA will prescribe it to you. Especially, if you have an old prescription or package of your medicine or letter from psychiatrist from the country you was treated before.
  • If your symptoms are mild, you can usually be treated by GZA GP (general practitioner, "home doctor"). .E.g. antidepressants can be prescribed by GP for mild depression and\or anxiety disorders with mild symptoms.
  • It is recommended to start taking antidepressants with a gradual increase in dose. Remember that most antidepressants have a withdrawal syndrome and should not be stopped abruptly after long term daily consumption. Tranquillisers can be addictive too and can not be used more than 2 weeks. Read more about antidepressants here.
  • You also can be offered the assistance of POH GGZ, who work in the team of GZA GP, who is a psychiatric nurse and is not a psychotherapist (without psychotherapist education and licence) and was trained to deal with mild disorders.
  • GZA GP or POH GGZ are not trained to diagnose complicated cases and have to refer you to the mental health clinic. Sometimes, they refuse to send people to metal health clinics. In case of severe symptoms, you should insist on referring you to the mental health clinic, voice your request several times and give arguments in favor of the severity of your symptoms and difficulties in functioning, sending request by e-mail to GP.
  • You can contact with mental health clinics in advance to clarify if they take a new patients, what is the waiting lists for your disorder and ask your GZA GP or POH GGZ to refer you in a particular clinic.
  • Everything that you say will be written in GZA computer system and GP and people from GZA-office will have access to it.
  • Emergency psychiatric care can be reached through GZA Hotline.

  • Today in The Netherlands there are no special asylum routes and facilities for asylum seekers with mental disorders as the most vulnerable group. But, if according medical reasons you need a separate room, COA should provide you with it. Ask for a paper from your GZA GP or POH GGZ with the demand and send it by e-mail to your COA contact person and\or the local manager of the camp.
  • United Refugees have encountered cases when refugees were refused, citing a lack of available rooms, or request being resolved within a couple of months. Sometimes you have to be persistent. Make your repeated requests with explanation, why you need it but in polite manner.

If you have suicidal thoughts feel free to call to 113 Suicide Prevention. They employ psychologists and psychiatrists and a large group of fully trained volunteers who provide round-the-clock confidential support through chats and phone calls.

Psychoeducation is a first recommended treatment for any disorder. Psychoeducation mean to receive contemporary scientific information about your disorder, treatment and efficiency of self-help techniques from reliable sources or mental health providers. For example, Mind Project.

  • Different types of cognitive behavioural therapy is evidence-based method for most of mental disorders. You can read more about it at Dutch Mental Health Quality Standards. Just choose the diagnosis, which was made in your home country.
  • It is important to understand that for each specific mental disorder, certain types of psychotherapy are effective. Therefore, it is very important to get a correct diagnosis from a psychiatrist first.
  • First session is mostly for getting acquainted with each other. So tell not only about yourself and ask a specialist, you have been referred from GZA, about his\her\their education and how exactly he\she\they can help you. You both will find a better way to support you. Remember responsibility for your health relies on you, firstly.
Substance use disorder (SUD) is a complex condition in which there is uncontrolled use of a substance, such as alcohol, tobacco, or other psychoactive substances, despite harmful consequences.

In the Netherlands you can find multiple clinics, which can help you with addiction. Medications are sometimes used to relieve withdrawal symptoms and help in stopping consumption of several substances. Psychotherapy and support from trained peers who have coped with this disorder or support from a social worker are part of the treatment and prevention of relapses. It is better for your family members and friend be trained in clinic how to help you with SUD.

The United Refugees can not recommend Drug Addicts Anonymous and Alcoholics Anonymous and like to worn that they are not based on scientific approaches and can be useless or even dangerous.

While you are in refugee camp or on a waiting list to the clinic SMART Recovery can be useful service to confront an addiction. SMART Recovery is a free online meetings, where you can learn evidenced-based recovery tools, listen about others recovery experience or share yours. It is anonymous and does not require anything other than your willingness to attend the meetings.

Medifirst assessment is not mandatory and you can refuse this service. That's why authorities have to receive your written permission for it. MediFirst nurses and doctors check whether the asylum seeker is physically and mentally capable of participating in hearings and whether there are any medical limitations that should be considered during hearings and when making decisions. After the MediFirst examination, most asylum seekers receive a letter with a scheduled second interview with IND in a period of 6 - 12 weeks.

Your interview will be postponed for six months or less if you
⭑ say to the MediFirst practitioner that you have suicidal thoughts;
⭑ have an exacerbation of mental disorder(s).

If you have a mental disorder and didn’t receive treatment, you should convince the MediFirst practitioner, that your state is stable and you are capable of going through an interview.

It is important for people with mental health problems to be interviewed quickly to gain access to the treatment they need. Uncertainty and life in a camp not suitable for people with mental disorders often only worsen their condition.

If you decide to go to the MediFirst assessment, think in advance about how your specialties can interfere with the interview and interrupt receiving the positive decision. Wright for yourself what needs to be done to help you during hearings. Some people need breaks every hour, some need a room with a window, and some have memory problems and find it difficult to accurately remember dates or names and this should definitely be voiced during the Medifirst assessment.

If an asylum seeker wishes to be eligible for resettlement in a specific area, has the right to fast track housing, a specific type of home or assisted living due to medical and/or psychosocial circumstances, an independent social health advice SMA from MediFirst is required. Read more in "Housing Interview" Article on The United refugees site below.

It is important for refugees living with mental, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental disorders to involve psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers from your mental clinics. Municipality employees are not trained to work with people with mental disorders and are required to involve practitioners from your mental clinic to receive recommendations for conditions and achievable goals of integration, because of your special needs and disabilities, and also to help with the creation of PIP, to support of PIP implementation, to define the suitable stage of your treatment for the start of PIP. For more details read the Dutch Civic Integration article on The United Refugees site below.
Refugees Living with HIV
Asylum seekers in The Netherlands, living with HIV, receive their medication for free due to insurance. Moreover everyone has a right to medical help, even when they are briefly or temporarily uninsured. Make a GZA appointment and the doctor will refer you to the hospital. There a nurse does blood-testing and after receiving results you will get medication. Be calm, if you are not taking medicine for 1 to 10 days or even more because of your flee from the country of origin. Most likely the viral load will remain undetectable for a long time and resistance won't definitely develop. What is dangerous and totally prohibited to do is to take half of daily dose or take HIV-medicine not on a regular basis. For example, one day you take, another two days don't take, another day take, then again don't take for a day or several days. It causes resistance to the medicine, so it will not work for you anymore.

Are you curious about the latest medical developments and practical issues? Do you want to know how to come to terms with HIV and feel positive about it? Then the Positive Living workshop series is made for you!

The power of love (in Dutch)
Share the power
Peer counseling
Poz & Proud
HIV Association
Refugees Living with Disabilities
Most AZC buildings are not suitable for persons with reduced mobility. So you can ask to receive larger or adjusted accommodation from COA or transfer for another camp. First you should give COA permission to access your health information from GZA and then they discuss the request.

Insurance can afford you, for example some physiotherapy and weekles. You can order delivery and return of weekles by yourself by phone or ask COA to assist you with that. To be sure what is included and in which amount call the insurance company or check it on the RMA Healthcare site. In some cases GZA hotline can be useful too.

Sometimes because of your health conditions you need assistance from volunteers. Ask your nurse or doctor at the hospital to connect you with volunteers’ organisations for that. Sometimes GZA and COA can be helpful for it too.

If an asylum seeker wishes to be eligible for resettlement in a specific area, has the right to fast track housing, a specific type of home or assisted living due to medical and/or psychosocial circumstances, an independent social health advice SMA from MediFirst is required. Read more in "Housing Interview" Article on The United refugees site below.

Имейте в виду, что муниципалитет должен учитывать ваши особые потребности при создании и реализации ПГИ. При необходимости вы можете попросить врачей и медсестер принять участие в этом процессе. Для получения более подробной информации прочтите статью о гражданской интеграции Нидерландов на сайте United Refugees ниже.
LGBTIQ+ Refugees
LGBT Asylum Support provides support through the asylum procedure. Sandro Kortekaas, the founder, helped a lot for those, who undeservedly received a negative decision from IND. Fill this contact form to reach access to whatsapp groups, where you can find information about organization's activities and events.

Cocktail Amsterdam of COC Amsterdam organizes a social or informative event to support LGBTIQ+ refugees. Participation is free and often train tickets are available.

Trans United Europe and TransAmsterdam are well-known trangenders’ communities in The Netherlands.

LGBTIQ+ bi-cultural organisations in The Netherlands are Maruf, Respect2Love, Kleurrijk Roze, Connecting Differences, Sex Matters.

GGD in your municipality can provide men, who have sex with men with free Hepatitis B vaccination, which can prevent Hepatitis B. GGD pays the major part of the price of PrEP medication for you, which prevents HIV. GGD also does free tests for sexually transmitted diseases (STD) without any referral.

More information
Zanzu: Multilingual picture guide for sexual health
The Genderbread Person version 4

If you are LGBTIQ+ human, get acquainted with LGBTIQ+ contact persons of your AZC. They are COA employees, who trained and understand your needs and should support you with your issues. They provide the contacts of the COC Cocktail in your munisipality. Tickets for its monthly meetings will be given by COC or COA.

In the room you should live with the same LGBTIQ+ humans as you. Ask them to help you with access to LGBTIQ+ whatsapp groups to communicate and know about events.

It is not possible to destroy homo- and transphobia forever in the whole world. The question is how small are they in the society and what can each of us personally do in daily life to improve equality? The Netherlands was the first country in the world to legalise same-sex marriage and Amsterdam is called queer capital of Europe. But there are still some problems with equality and IND still uses stereotypes in its decisions according to LGBTIQ+ persons.

If there are no reports about discrimination, the government doesn't see that the problem exists. And it do nothing. Only by collecting a large amount of reports we will be able to change things in a better way.
  1. The Netherlands has a Pink in Blue police force. It consists of well-trained policemen and policewomen, who are often LGBTIQ+ themselves. Pink in Blue respects your privacy and you can count on sympathetic treatment. When you become the victim of a hate crime, call +31 88 16 91 234 and report this to Pink in Blue.
  2. Feel free to ask for psychological help online from your national LGBTIQ+ organisations. Russian-speaking therapists.
  3. COA LGBTIQ+ contact persons will help you, if you face homo- and transphobia too.
  4. Report discrimination to anti-discrim-ination center in your municipality.
  5. Report to Sandro Kortekaas from LGBT Asylum Support. They collect their own statistics and make reports to the autorites directly.

What's worse than experiencing harassment related to your identity? Well, is being surrounded by bystanders who see it happening, but do nothing about it.
5D’s bystander intervention is a bunch of strategies you can use. They are Distract, Delegate, Document, Delay, and Direct. They are designed to be safe and not to escalate situations. When we intervent, not only do we reduce the trauma of harassment for the person who was harmed, we exclude traumatization of ourselves as a witness of emotional or physical violence. We also slowly chip away at the culture of harassment and replace it with one of humanity. By using 5D’s you emphasize that harassment is not okay, and demonstrate to people in your life that they have the power to make their community safer.
The 5D’s bystander intervention in detail
Transgender Refugees
Sometimes GZA refuses to give hormone therapy for trangender persons or can’t refer them to the Gender Clinic. Sending an official request on e-mail to your camp’s GZA doctor should help. Describe your request in a polite tone and attach all documents, confirming you used to take hormonal therapy in the home country. It can be prescriptions, certificates, conclusions of an endocrinologist, etc. Indicate the name of the medicine, dosage, time interval between taking the medicine. You can find the email of your camp’s GZA here. If it will not work, you can make complaint via the form on website. This can be done in English or Dutch. Be prepared for the content of the complaint to become known to the person you are complaining about.

Only the first name and the gender column change without changing the last name. It can be important for those, who have a gender connotation last name. Transpersons should meet the following criteria for documents replacement:

⭑ be over 16 years old;
⭑ be legally in The Netherlands for at least a year;
⭑ a BSN;
⭑ a residence permit;
⭑ a certificate of passing the commission allows you to change documents. It costs 65 € and can be obtained through Trans Huis volunteers;
⭑ legalized or apostilled birth certificate;
⭑ legalized or apostilled parents' marriage certificate or certificate of adoption or absence of marriage;
⭑ a сertificate of name change, if name was changed in home country.

After legalization or apostelization, all documents must be translated from the original language into English or Dutch by national translators. The price is about 50€ per document. The procedure of changing takes about 3 months. The application form is here.

⭑ TransUnited in connection with VWN is gonna help you and guide you through the process of documents replacement.
⭑ Asylum seekers, who have no BSN number, can apply for it through COA. Gender marker change in documents can be identified as the basis for priority receiving BSN. You should be six months or more in The Netherlands to have the right to apply for a BSN.

Written in collaboration with Rainer Oborin.




BSN stands for the Citizen Service Number. Refugees need it to receive access to work and make bank accounts. RMA insurance gives access to healthcare without a BSN. Some universities, which are counted in the articles about education on The United Refugees site, allow refugees to use the right to study to some extent without a BSN. These cases are exceptions. In general, in The Netherlands, you need a BSN for healthcare, education, work, rent housing, and use any government service. To receive BSN you should be registered with the BRP, The Personal Records Database. After that you are automatically given a BSN.

Nowadays there is an administrative barrier to receiving a BSN in the form of long waiting lists for applying for it. Consiquently COA refuses to assist refugees with BSN.

IND has announced that due to queues, status holders receive priority when registering with BRP and therefore get a BSN. Some refugees receive it quickly, while for others this procedure takes six months or more.

To speed up the process IND, Municipalities and COA have created so-called “BRP Streets” at the 5 IND Registration Centers. Status holders and asylum seekers are registered on these BRP streets in the municipality where they are currently located. After registration, they receive a BSN.
Priority in registration on BRP Streets is available for:
⭑ status holders with an employment contract;
⭑ status holders who are offered housing. Perhaps this also applies to cases, when you have found a host by yourself, and would like to use The Hosting Scheme;
⭑ status holders and non-status persons who require a BSN for medical reasons;
⭑ persons without status, with a work permit and whose identity is registered with the IND (this is a pilot project that will last until December 31, 2023). It means you find an employer, who officially offers you work and has TWV for you.

There are some other cases, when COA can agree to help asylum seekers with applying for a BSN:
⭑ If you have money to rent a room, apartment, or house in The Netherlands. BSN is required for concluding a rental agreement with the landlord or a sub-rental contract with the main occupant.
⭑ If you are a transgender refugee and you have to change your name. You can find the instructions in the “Transgender refugees” article on The United Refugees site.

If your lawyer is willing to help you in other matters that are not asylum procedure, you can ask them to make an appointment for you on a BRP-Street. Perhaps it will work.

COA about BRP
COA about BSN
More about BSN
Dutch Language
If you would like to learn Dutch there can be language courses in the AZC. If a COA employee tells you that it is impossible to connect the group because it is full or it is only for those who have resident permits, try to talk with the teacher directly. In public libraries there can be courses too.

Сareer building

during an asylum procedure and after

Mandatory Dutch Civil Integration for refugees begins after you receive housing. There is an option to start integration earlier when you receive a residence permit. In this case, your COA case manager helps you. However, refugees can use the waiting time for the second interview with IND wisely to build their own future. In this article, The United Refugees gives some advice on how to do it. And the first one is to start learning Dutch as soon as possible. Some options are described in the "Dutch Language" Article on this site.

It is important for living a happy satisfying life to define what would you like to be engaged in professionally. This choice should be based on your values and abilities. Values are things that are important to you, and abilities develop from the skills you acquired during your childhood if you developed them. For example, some people find it easier to work with mathematics, while others excel with text, images, or hands-on activities. These are referred to as abilities.

Some useful guidance for finding a matching profession can be the following.

⭑ is something you are good at;
⭑ brings pleasure and satisfaction;
⭑ helps others, or at least does not harm them;
⭑ brings you money.

A business that meets only three criteria, except creating your income, is called a hobby.


Employee. You work for a company. You have a boss, typically work five days a week for 8 hours, and receive a monthly salary.
⭑ Self-employed. You are your own boss. Income comes from your customers, whom you search for yourself.
⭑ Business owner. You have created a company that produces products or provides services. You are the boss of other people. You hire them and pay them a salary.
⭑ Investor. You have inherited capital or saved money, which you can invest, for example, in stocks and bonds, to generate passive income.

The United Refugees has some guidelines for you based on your situation and intentions. This track is for you if you agree with any of the following statements.

⭑ I do not have the education or sufficient experience in the profession that I want to pursue.
⭑ I have education or experience in the profession, but I want to switch to a new one and undergo retraining.
1) Choosing the profession. The following helps you decide on your future profession.

⭑ Use of online psychological tests of career guidance.
⭑ Consulting with a psychologist who is trained in occupational psychology.
⭑ Engaging a career coach.
⭑ Reading books on the topic of choosing a profession.
⭑ Reading articles in specialized magazines and websites about professions that interest you.
⭑ Conversing with professionals in the fields that attract you.
⭑ Study of labor market statistics, average, minimum, and maximum wages for your desirable profession in the Netherlands.
⭑ Analyze job advertisements to study the responsibilities and types of organizations and economic sectors in which the specialists, you desire to be, work.

2) Practical Trial. Volunteer work or online courses may be suitable for this. Once you have made a short list of professions, you can try out what you like in practice. Your ideas about work are one thing, practical experience in performing duties and interacting with people is another. It may seem difficult if you don't have enough knowledge and skills. It is important to listen to yourself and understand whether your heart lies in this profession.

3) Education. You may be surprised, but during the asylum procedure or even after receiving a negative decision, you can start learning. There are several options you can consider.

⭑ Higher education possibilities and preparatory courses for it.
⭑ Enterprise-based educational programs are good for employees.
⭑ Business incubator for self-employed and business owners.

4) Internship. This is a way to gain practical skills, create a network, and find a potential employer.

In the articles on The United Refugees site, called “Education for asylum seekers & status holders” and “Education for status holders” more information can be found.

This track is for you if you agree with any of the following statements.

⭑ I don't have any education or sufficient work experience, but I want to start working and making money as quickly as possible. I agree to work as a low-skilled worker.
⭑ I have education and/or experience in a profession in my home country and I want to continue working in this profession. For highly skilled workers, a corresponding visa is more suitable. Perhaps the relocation method you have chosen, such as seeking asylum, can not seem the most convenient to you. You have to wait till you receive a residence permit to work.

There are several options you can consider.
⭑ Start enterprise-based educational programs for adaptation to new work environments and making your career in a defined organization. In the article on The United Refugees site, called “Education for asylum seekers & status holders” more information can be found.
⭑ Search work on International or Dutch job search sites, when you received a residency permit;
⭑ Asylum seekers can ask RefugeeConnect for assistance in finding low-skilled work.

The list of job search engines and information about contributions to COA for workers can be found in the "Job" Article on The United Refugees site below.

Education for

asylum seekers & status holders

The following universities have special programs for refugees, and they offer part of their regular courses within them. The courses are free of charge and don't require residence permits. It can be an introduction to apply for a complete bachelor's or master’s program later on. Apart from the courses, once you are registered in most of them you’ll join a buddy program, access to the library and the possibility of borrowing a laptop.

Eindhoven University of Technology:

Wageningen University&Research:

University of Leiden:

Utrecht University:

Radboud University:

At the University of Utrecht in particular, after finalising the course, if you have a B1/2 level of Dutch and you are a status holder, you can opt for the Incluusion Traineeship for refugees. The traineeship is done in different departments of the Utrecht University. The traineeship develops the trainees' skills in their field of work, increases their experience in the Dutch labour market, and is an opportunity to expand their network to obtain a paid employment contract after the traineeship.

Edu4U courses are quite unique as they offer weekend classes in different native languages, during the weekends in Amsterdam. They offer courses in Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science ICT, Architecture, Chemistry, Biology, Economy, Administration bookkeeping, ONA (Orientation on the labour market), English and Dutch. Their objective is to prepare their students for the exams of the Central Commission for Preliminary Exams (CCVX) that give them access to college or complete university programs.
If you are looking for something more hands-on and ready to work, you can take a look at these initiatives. They offer free tuition and the possibility of working straight away after the training due to the high demand for these abilities and their contact with enterprises.

Cyberworkplace is a tuition-free initiative that provides cybersecurity training to develop their student's skills as ethical hackers. Besides, they try to match their students to leading (IT) security companies and organizations for internships.

Blue Road Academy
If you are interested in Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software, Blue Road Academy is definitely for you. A training free of charge that seeks to promote the careers of newcomers with Salesforce training, professional development, and direct connections with top employers.
Hack Your Future
Do you prefer coding perhaps? Take a look at Hack Your Future. An open-source coding school for people with limited access to education. The training is free of charge and no technical background is required. Their free seven-month program begins every two months. Most of their education is online and they even provide you with a laptop if you need one.

Forward Inc offers training, support, and networking for refugees, who prefer to run their own company or work as freelancers. Newcomers can be enrolled in all Forward Inc's programs without a residence permit, or BSN number. Education is free of charge for the DEP program. For further programs, you don't need to pay in advance and are obligated to pay only if your startup succeeds.

Written in collaboration with Gracia Alcaide.

Online Courses

You can also explore various online education platforms. Their main advantages would be:
⭑ their courses cover nearly any topic imaginable
⭑ 100% online with flexible schedule and deadlines
⭑ affordable prices and even some free courses
⭑ they can be perfect introductory courses to explore a new topic or career path

However, be aware that to fully get the benefit of these courses you will need:
⭑ access to a laptop
⭑ a good internet connection
⭑ a dedicated work space

Coursera is a global online learning platform that partners with top Universities and Organizations to create its wide range of individual courses, specializations, professional certificates and degree programs.

Their courses go from guided projects lasting 1-2 hours to full degrees spanning 2-4 years. You can get an overview of their courses here.

Regarding course costs, some options are free, while others have tuition fees. You can decide to pay for a particular course you want to start, or opt for a monthly subscription and have unlimited access to their entire course catalog. Pricing details can be found here.

Another interesting way to surf on Coursera is through the list of partners that offer their courses on the platform. Google, IBM, and CISCO, for example, are Coursera’s partners. You can see which abilities are these companies promoting by looking at their courses. University of Leiden, Erasmus Rotterdam, and Imperial College of London, for example, are also Coursera’s partners. If you would like to particularly study a course from them, you can browse this way.
Check all Coursera’s partners here.

If you have a career path in mind but don’t know how to start, Coursera also allows you to browse by job position type. You can explore this option here.

Udemy offers the biggest pool of courses on the broadest range of categories, that are taught by individuals. It’s the perfect platform if you want to learn a new skill or explore a different professional path without breaking the bank. However, be aware that many of their courses don’t offer accreditation.

Udemy's courses are divided into 13 different categories: Finance & Accounting, Development, Business, Marketing, IT & Software, Office Productivity, Music, Personal Development, Teaching & Academics, Design, Lifestyle, Photography, Health & Fitness. The courses are offered for all levels: beginner, intermediate, and advanced. Udemy’s courses are offered not only in English but in over 60 different languages.

While Coursera and Udemy are popular options, there are numerous other online education platforms to explore. You can also check out these other options:

Skillshare - Best for Everyday Learning
Mindvalley - Best for Personal Development
MasterClass - Best for Inspiration - Best for School Students - Best for Accredited Courses
Udacity - Best for Career Advancement
LinkedIn Learning - Best for Career Path
FutureLearn - Best for University Programs

Written by Gracia Alcaide.

Education for status holders

In The Netherlands for many occupations, you are only considered if you have obtained specific diplomas. After the positive decision if you won’t have work and will apply for a benefit, you can be obliged to obtain a diploma until the age of 27.

If you have obtained a diploma in your country of origin, you can have it evaluated by International Credential Evaluation (IDW). On the basis of this evaluation, the educational institutes determine whether your previous education is sufficient and whether you may even be granted an exemption for all or part of the course.

More about education.
Startup incubators and accelerators in Amsterdam.
Dutch Foundation for Refugee Students.

If you are between 18 and 30 years of age, after receiving asylum residence permit, you can usually apply for a study costs allowance (for secondary school or mbo) or study finance (for mbo, hbo, and university) at Education Executive Agency (DUO). The study finance is partially a gift and partially a loan you have to pay back after your study; the study costs allowance is partially a gift.

When you are older than 30 years and younger than 55 years of age, you can borrow money at DUO for tuition fees or school fees on certain conditions. See DUO.

Will you be studying? What qualification will it be? What university? So there are a lot of things to think about and investigate. You can start to prepare yourself while in the asylum procedure.
Volunteer work
What is volunteer work? It should meet the following criteria:

⭑ An organization, which provides volunteer work is not a commercial one.
⭑ Volunteer work is useful for society.
⭑ It is unpaid work or work with volunteer compensation.

Asylum seekers are allowed to engage in volunteer activities. TWV, a work permit, is not required for this. The organization, which provides voluntary work for asylum seekers must have permission from UWV. For status holders, such permission for the organization from UWV is not required.

If you receive an allowance and are volunteering, then your allowance will not change if the compensation for volunteer's work in 2023 does not exceed 190 € per month and 1900 € per year.
In 2023, the court overturned the rule that an asylum seeker can work no more than 24 weeks a year. Employers must have a work permit for third-country nationals (TWV) to employ asylum seekers. The Employee Insurance Agency (UWV) will issue this permit if an asylum application process has lasted at least 6 months. You need a BSN-number and Dutch bank account to work.

Some jobs require a Certificate of Good Conduct (VOG). The application for VOG is usually submitted by the employer, or he asks you to do it yourself.

Asylum seekers who have their own income or funds can still make use of COA reception. In that case, they have to pay a contribution to the reception costs. COA can withhold 25% of income, but not more than 246.00 euros per month.

Labor rights
Personal contribution scheme for asylum seekers with income and assets
New Dutch Connections Project

RefugeeConnect is an organisation, who help potential employees, who are still asylum seekers, towards the right match, advice in the field of laws and regulations and facilitation in practical challenges.

The following international job search sites:

Refugee Talent Hub



Job search site for scientists

Dutch job search sites:


Nationale vacaturebank

More from COA
More from VWN
Housing Interview
When an asylum seeker receives a residence permit, COA links them with the municipality within 2 weeks. During this period the status holder have a housing interview with COA employee. You can try to influence the decision in which municipality you will be provided with social housing, if you meet at least one of four criteria:

⭑ A first-degree family member lives in the municipality
⭑ You have paid work in the municipality
⭑ You have been admitted to an education in the municipality
⭑ You receive specific medical treatment in the municipality

Provide COA employee with documents, which prove that you are eligible to be placed in a certain area. But keep in mind that COA can't guarantee that you will be allocated to the preferable municipality.

Municipalities decide who will be better integrated in their municipality and prioritize refugees, who will receive housing first. Following the regulations municipalities have 10 weeks to find housing. In reality it can take six months and more. Once the municipality finds a home, the status holder has 2 weeks to move in. They use this time, among other things, to lay laminate, make necessary renovation, furnish their house and buy household appliances such as refrigerators and washing machines.

On this page you can find the number of houses each municipality has to provide to refugees and how it is going monthly.

This information is important for refugees living with mental, behavioral and neurodevelopmental disorders, refugees living with movement and other physical disabilities or health features. If an asylum seeker wishes to be eligible for resettlement in a specific area, has the right to fast track housing, a specific type of home or assisted living due to medical and/or psychosocial circumstances, an independent social health advice SMA from MediFirst is required.

At the housing interview, state your mental or physical health conditions and discuss with the manager the need to complete the SMA. You indicate which arguments the procedure should validate. You sign an authorization to access your GZA medical file for MediFirst and to the mental health clinic information, and give permission to speak with your psychiatrists, psychologists.

MediFirst then evaluates your requests against your medical records and information from practitioners and provides a determination to the COA about whether your requests should be granted based on your health and psychosocial circumstances. The period for issuing an SMA opinion from completing the interview and signing the authorization to access medical information is from 2 to 6 weeks.

Statistics about the regions in the Netherlands
Can I specify which municipality I want to live in after COA?
COA: Housing of status holders
Priority for social housing
Central Government
Refugees Help
Consequences of rejecting offered social housing
Defects in the housing: rent reduction
Social housing exchange website
Hosting Scheme
After receiving a residence permit refugees can live outside AZC with a host family, friends, or relatives while waiting for housing. Refugees are eligible to live outside of the municipality of the AZC. School-going children must be able to continue following lessons. The time frame for staying with a host is from 21 days to 3 months. This period can be extended in consultation. Weekly allowance and health insurance are remained as well as a duty for stamping, which can be done by phone or in person. Only the right to a place in AZC lapses. The additional fee ащк status holders aged 21 years and over is € 75 per week for one person or the first family member. A second family member receives € 25 per week, and a third and fourth family member € 12.50. The reimbursement is a maximum of € 125 per family. Despite the increase, the total amount per month remains below the social assistance standard. Newcomer has to temporarily register with the municipality at the address of a host within 5 days after moving to the host. This registration may have consequences for any social assistance benefits and/or other benefits the host receives. Newcomer has to register with the host’s general practitioner temporarily. If a refugee is going to return from the housing of the host back to AZC, COA should be notified at least two weeks in advance. A newcomer may be assigned to a different camp than the one they left for the host.
Hosting scheme on COA site.

⭑ 18 years or over
⭑ speak English or some Dutch
⭑ have a citizen service number (BSN)
⭑ have had a permit holder interview with the COA and waits for a home in the municipality
⭑ don’t receive intensive medical treatment

If you move to your friend or a family member, you don't have The TakecareBnB being involved in the Hosting Scheme. If you have nobody to stay with outside AZC TakecareBnB helps you to mach a host. First, you should fill an application form on their site. Matching you with a host takes time. Tips about finding a host family in Nijmegen are described here.


1. Lodger Contract (Logeerovereenkomst) between a refugee and COA. A program manager at COA or a Takecarebnb matcher provides the template.
2. Logeerregeling informatiebrievenbundel. Sometimes COA asks a host to sign an information letter, where consequences for the social allowance of the host, etc. are described.
3. The list of Documents for the Report of a Change of Refugees Address can be found at a host municipality site or it can be done through DigiD without signing additional papers.
4. If TakecareBnB Involved > Matching Agreement (Matchingsovereenkomst) between Takecarebnb, a host, and a refugee. A Takecarebnb matcher provides the template.
5. If TakecareBnB Involved > Certificate of Conduct (Verklaring Omtrent het Gedrag, VOG) for a host. The link will be provided by Takecarebnb.


  1. If TakecareBnB Involved > Registration on Takecarebnb site.
  2. If TakecareBnB Involved > Matchmaker. If there is a suitable host family, the matchmaker will contact you for an intake.
  3. If TakecareBnB Involved > Intake. This conversation is meant to inform about the process and get an overall impression of a refugee as a person.
  4. If TakecareBnB Involved > Matching. Meeting to get to know the host family is the next step. The matchmaker will attend this conversation.
  5. If TakecareBnB Involved > Test stay. If the meeting goes well and there is a click between a guest and a host, an appointment will be made to come and stay for a weekend on a trial basis. Only if that weekend goes well together, a three-month stay period starts.
  6. If TakecareBnB Involved > Matching Agreement (Matchingsovereenkomst). Takecarebnb, a host, and a refugee sign a three-party agreement.
  7. Lodger contract with COA (Logeerovereenkomst). To speed up the process, it is recommended to contact programmabegeleider before the trial stay and to schedule an appointment for after the trial stay to initiate the logeerregeling.
  8. Report of a Change of Address. A refugee has to temporarily register at the host’s address. Reporting can be done in 4 weeks before the move of 5 days after. There can be a fine for violating the deadline. Some municipalities allow reporting for a change of address in advance. Read carefully the requirements of a host municipality site for reporting. The moving date that you provide will be treated as the day on which your address changed.
  9. Board and lodging. Takecarebnb mediates in hospitality and not in tenants. They emphasize that guests do not pay rent. Still, it is important to discuss with each other which possibilities there are to contribute. Some host families say it is fine to cook and buy groceries for them once a week or contribute in another way. Now that energy costs are high, it is important to make agreements about this. A contribution does not have to be financial.
  10. Registration with the general practitioner of the host family. The host should negotiate with their general practitioner (GP) to register a refugee at their practice. COA provide refugee the instruction, which you have to show your new GP. Because you can return to the AZC, GZA prefers to remain the manager of the medical file, but it can be not convenient for the GP. This is an instruction on how to transfer your medical file to a new general practitioner, if they ask you to do it.

⭑ If you inform the municipality more than 5 days after moving, the date on which you inform the municipality will be treated as the moving date. Municipalities can impose a fine of up to €325 if you do not inform them in time of important changes to your personal information.
⭑ Online reporting of a change of address by DigiD is the easiest way to do this. Another opportunity is to send a letter with all papers to the municipality by post. The registration period can be for several weeks after they receive information from you. In some municipalities, you can make an appointment to report in person.
⭑ There is an administrative fine of up to € 325, which is based on article 4.17b of the Basic Registration of Persons Act in following situations: 1) if the person(s) no longer live at host’s address and that person(s) failed to register a change of address and a host failed to notify the municipality about that on time; 2) if a host intentionally give anyone permission to register at their address while this person is not living there.

Apply for a DigiD before starting to sign Logeerovereenkomst with COA.

Renovation of social housing

In most cases social housing is provided without floor coverings. The most common flooring that refugees use is laminate, carpet, or linoleum. You need underlay for the flooring. It is also called a subfloor. There are a number of different ones. The minimum subfloor requirements always include a subfloor sound absorption of 10 dB. Stores that sell flooring often offer an installation service. You can employ flooring installation work from professional suppliers such as, a self-employed person on, which should be cheaper, or install flooring by yourself.

On you can find different used stuff for very low prices or even for free. Also check thrift shops (in Dutch: kringloopwinkel), e.g. Type "kringloopwinkel" in Google Maps and it will show you nearby thrift shops. You will need to clarify and resolve the issue of transportation.

For free used stuff you can try Goods for refugees.

You can buy household appliances at a discount at household appliance outlets, like MediaMarkt Outlet. Sometimes it may have a small visual defect. Check if the price includes a stand, lifting to your apartment, and installation. Restored washing machines, refrigerators can be found at thrift shops.

Dutch Сivil Integration

The civil integration requirement does not apply to citizens of European Union countries, Liechtenstein, Norway, Iceland, Switzerland, and Turkey. Except for some other groups, foreign permanent residents of the Netherlands have an obligation for civil integration. Dutch Civil Integration aimed to help refugees with language learning and professional adaptation to a new society.

In this article integration due to Civil Integration Law 2022 is described. The old Civil Integration Law 2013 continues to apply to people who were already subject to the civil integration requirement before 1 January 2022.

The B1 route is for newcomers, who are going to learn the Dutch language at the B1. At the same time, they can participate through voluntary or paid work.
The Onderwijs route. This education route is mainly for young people who are in the Netherlands attending tertiary education. They learn the Dutch language at level B1 or higher.
The zelfredzaamheidsroute route. The self-reliance route is for newcomers, who can learn the Dutch language only at the A1 level. This route prepares them in a more straightforward manner to participate in Dutch society.

To start mandatory integration you should receive a BSN, residence permit, and register with the municipality. Your assigned municipality invites refugees for a meeting, called Brede intake. Its purpose is to obtain information from refugees to create The Personal Integration and Participation Plan, PIP. This plan tells what needs to be done to integrate and in what time frame.

Brede intake includes the following.
⭑ LBT, leerbaarheidstoets is the learning test, that indicates the level can be achieved in Dutch. Refugee, who has a visual or a hearing impairment, or is considered unable to pass the test, is given an exemption from it;
⭑ a survey about education and work experience in the country of origin;
⭑ examination of personal circumstances, including physical and mental health, in order to propose individual solutions in the integration process;
⭑ exploring opportunities for a refugee child to participate in preschool education.
Based on Brede intake, the municipality determines the following.
⭑ The integration route to be followed by a refugee;
⭑ The necessary support and guidance for this;
⭑ The intensity of the education process and the module “Labor Market and Participation”;
⭑ The agreements were concluded with the refugee regarding the participation of his child in preschool education.

The Integration Course can be taken in class or independently. At the end of the course within three years you must take an exam. The period begins on the day after the date of the Personal Integration Plan (PIP). The municipality pays for the integration course for holders of asylum status. The first 2 attempts to pass each exam are free.

A fine of €250 euros is imposed on a refugee who fails to show up for a wide reception or if they do not cooperate sufficiently in the wide reception process, for example by refusing to take a learning ability test. In the decision on the fine, the municipality sets a new period of no more than two months, during which the refugee must come to a meeting or begin to cooperate.

Fines of €340, €800, or €1,000 may be levied if the refugee fails to comply or does not cooperate sufficiently with the support and guidance offered, doesn't complete training, violates PIP.

It is important for refugees living with mental, behavioral, and neurodevelopmental disorders to involve psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers from your mental clinics. Municipality employees are not trained to work with people with mental disorders and are required to involve practitioners from your mental clinic to receive recommendations for conditions and achievable goals of integration, because of your special needs and disabilities, and also to help with the creation of PIP, to support of PIP implementation, to define the suitable stage of your treatment for the start of PIP.

Wet Inburgering 2021



    The United Refugees dreams of Diversity being the golden world standard. We would like to live in a world where natives, refugees, nomads, and expats are treated as equals, respected, and valued because of their cultural peculiarities, life experiences, health conditions, and contributions they bring to a multicultural society.
    The United Refugees provides asylum seekers and status holders in The Netherlands with essential information from reliable sources. Our goal is to make the refugees’ lives less stressful and safer by helping with navigation through Dutch society, asylum procedures, and giving guidelines for building a new life in productive interaction with residents and other refugees.
    The United Refugees is a volunteer project. It has no government or other funding and is independent. We work in the interests of refugees, as we understand it.

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